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Le Domaine du Cerf Blanc
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Terms and Conditions


These general terms and conditions of sale apply to the services provided by the company SARL Le Domaine du Cerf Blanc Étang de Beauché 56910 Carentoir, within the framework of the services described in the preliminary estimate. Any reservation therefore implies full and complete acceptance of these conditions by the client, to the exclusion of any other document such as a prospectus, commercial documents, etc. In the event of a contradiction between the provisions of these general terms and conditions of sale and those of the client, these provisions alone shall apply. The establishment reserves the right to apply special general terms and conditions of sale depending on the size and period of the reservation. These conditions will be detailed in the quote.


2-1. The Client's reservation is definitively recorded upon receipt by the establishment of a copy of the quotation and the general terms and conditions of sale duly initialled on each page, dated and signed by the Client on the last page, bearing his commercial stamp and the handwritten mention "Good for agreement", and accompanied by the deposit referred to in article 2-2 below.

2-2. In order to be registered, all bookings must be accompanied by a deposit of 30 % of the total amount including tax of the service at the time of signing the quote.

2-3. Total cancellation of an event
Total or partial cancellations of a booking must be made in writing to us. In the event of total cancellation of an event, the following provisions will apply
  • cancellation notified more than 45 days before the start of the event: 30% refund
  • cancellation between 15 and 44 days before the start of the event: thirty percent (30%) of the amount of the event, including VAT, as specified in the quote will be charged
  • cancellation between 8 and 14 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) prior to the start of the service: sixty percent (60%) of the amount (including tax) of the service specified in the quote will be invoiced
  • cancellation less than 8 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) prior to the start of the service: 100% of the total amount of the service will be invoiced

2-4. Partial cancellation of an event
A partial cancellation corresponds to a reduction in the amount of the contract, regardless of the cause: reduction in the duration of the event, the number of people, and/or the services ordered.
  • cancellation notified more than 45 days before the start of the event: no charge.
  • cancellation between 15 and 44 days prior to the start of the event: up to 50% of the total amount can be cancelled free of charge, after which 50% of the cancelled amount will be charged.
  • cancellation between 8 and 14 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) prior to the start of the service: up to 30% of the total amount can be cancelled free of charge, beyond this 80% of the cancelled amount will be charged.
  • cancellation between 2 and 8 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) prior to the start of the service: up to 20% of the total amount can be cancelled free of charge, beyond this 100% of the cancelled amount will be charged.
  • cancellation less than 2 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) before the start of the service: 100% of the cancelled amount will be charged.

2-5. Any request to modify the services in relation to the accepted quote must be sent to the establishment in writing (in the absence of written acceptance of the modifications by the establishment within eight (8) days of receipt of the request, the contract will be executed according to the terms and conditions determined in the quote accepted by the client.


Events of less than 25 people
The menu items and drinks must be chosen before D-15 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays). The announcement of a first figure for the number of people must be made on D-10 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays), then the announcement of the final figure on D-7 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).

For an event with more than 25 people
The menu items and drinks must be chosen before D-60 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays). The announcement of a first figure for the number of people must be made on D-30 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays), then the announcement of a second figure on D-15 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays), then the announcement of the final figure on D-7 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).

Meals ordered but not consumed will be invoiced. If the number of participants is exceeded during the event, and if the service can be provided by the establishment for all the participants present, the actual number of meals served will be invoiced. Any food or drink not consumed within the framework of a package cannot give rise to a reduction in price.

The list of rooms and persons to be accommodated must be communicated to us in writing 60 working days before the date of arrival of the group. The reserved rooms are made available to the beneficiaries from 3 p.m. on the day of arrival. The rooms must be vacated by 11 a.m. on the day of departure at the latest. Any delay beyond this time will result in the invoicing of additional nights at the posted public rate: fifty per cent (50%) up to 4 p.m. and one hundred per cent (100%) after 4 p.m.

In the event of an exceptional event or force majeure, the establishment reserves the right to accommodate the participants, in whole or in part, in a nearby establishment of equivalent category for services of the same nature, the costs inherent in the transfer remaining at the expense of the establishment, which may not be sought for payment of any compensation.

Room hire
In the event of withdrawal or cancellation, the clauses of article 2-3 will be applied.


4-1. Prices are expressed in euros. They are firm for sixty (60) days from the date the quotation is sent to the client. After this period, they may be modified according to the economic conditions relating to the service. In the case of accommodation reservations, they may be modified in the event of legislative and/or regulatory changes that may lead to price variations, such as an increase in the applicable VAT rate, the introduction of new taxes, etc.

4-2. The deposit to be paid at the time of booking represents thirty percent (30%) of the total amount of the service indicated in the quote. The amount of this deposit shall be deducted from the final invoice, subject to the possible application of the cancellation indemnities provided for in article 2.3 above. Unless otherwise provided for in a specific agreement, the balance invoices are payable on receipt. In the event of disagreement over part of the invoice, the client undertakes to pay the undisputed part without delay and to indicate the reasons for the dispute in writing to the establishment.

4-3. The payment of extras and other services claimed individually by one or more participants is ensured by the said participant before his departure. If one or more participants fail to pay for services claimed in addition to those included in the quote (extras, meals, etc.), the invoice will be paid on receipt. The invoice will be paid on receipt. Any delay in payment will result in the invoicing of late payment penalties equal to 2% per month. All costs incurred by the establishment in the recovery of outstanding debts shall be borne by the signatory of the quote. All orders under €300 (three hundred euros) must be paid in full in cash.


The establishment provides its customers with facilities enabling them to organise services. The Client undertakes to invite only persons whose behaviour will not, in any way, be likely to prejudice the establishment. The establishment reserves the right to intervene if necessary. The Client may not bring in any outside drinks or foodstuffs, except by prior agreement with the Management of the establishment. The Client undertakes to ensure that the participants and their guests respect all the rules and regulations of the establishment. The Client shall ensure that participants do not disrupt the operation of the establishment, nor jeopardise the safety of the establishment or of the people in it. The establishment may, if necessary, expel any person who does not wish to follow these instructions or whose attitude is deemed incompatible with the brand image of the establishment. The Client undertakes to respect the 90 decibel limit requested by the establishment. The Client also expressly undertakes to comply with the specific provisions inherent in his event. The establishment declines all responsibility in the event of non-compliance by the Client with any of the applicable legal provisions. Furthermore, under no circumstances may the establishment's staff participate in the activities carried out by the Client in the establishment.

5-1. In the event of photographic or audiovisual reporting, the Client is requested to inform the establishment in advance of the possible presence of a photographer or cameraman and is personally responsible for obtaining any authorisations that may be necessary in this respect.

5-2. In the event of mobile sales, the Client undertakes to provide the establishment with the necessary written administrative authorisations at least fifteen (15) days before the date of the start of the event, in particular if the Client intends to carry out a retail sale or take orders for goods preceded by advertising. In no case may the rental exceed the duration indicated on the administrative authorisation, and sales may not exceed 2 months per calendar year in the same establishment.

5-3. In the event of the broadcasting of musical works and more generally of any entertainment within the premises of the establishment (orchestras, shows, records, etc.), provided by the customer, the latter must make his own declaration and pay all rights, in particular to the SACEM.

5-4. The Client must pay all taxes, levies, contributions and declarations of any kind, as well as any expenses that it may owe to any person or organisation in connection with its event. The Client must be able to justify this at any time


6-1. The client undertakes not to change the use of the premises without the prior written agreement of the establishment. The client shall take the premises, equipment and materials in the state in which they are at the time of entry into use and shall return them at the agreed time in the same state.

6-2. Any special installations or materials brought in by the Client with the agreement of the establishment remain under the exclusive custody of the Client and any theft or damage to these installations or materials shall not in any case engage the responsibility of the establishment. These installations or materials must be removed at the end of the event. If they are not removed, the establishment will have them removed at the expense, risk and peril of the client, without prejudice to any additional occupancy compensation or damages that it may claim.

6-3. Any damage noted in the premises by the establishment shall engage the joint responsibility of its author and the Client. The latter alone shall bear the cost of repairs if the person responsible for the damage has not been identified.

6-4. Depending on the event organised, the establishment may request a deposit from the Client. The relevant information will then be specified in the quote.

6-5. The establishment reserves the right to refuse the presence of animals introduced by the Client or the participants/guests.


7-1. Under no circumstances may the establishment be held responsible for damage of any kind, in particular fire or theft, which may affect the objects or equipment deposited by the client or the participants during the service provided by the establishment. The client must ensure the custody of the goods and materials brought by himself or the participants.

7-2. The Client shall be responsible for taking out any insurance policy (damage - civil liability) that may be necessary and shall justify this to the establishment beforehand. The client is in particular invited to take out specific insurance in the event of the presence of large items of equipment or valuable goods insofar as the establishment cannot be held responsible in the event of damage to or theft of the said goods.

7-3. The Client is responsible for all damage caused by its intermediary (in particular by participants or their guests) and undertakes, in the event of damage to the premises made available to it, to bear the costs of restoring these premises.

7-4. In the event of an exhibition, congress, fair or trade show, the establishment shall in no case be responsible for the goods or objects entrusted to it or exhibited on its premises. If necessary, the Client must check that all exhibitors have taken out insurance covering their civil liability and/or all damage to the goods belonging to them or entrusted to them.


The establishment may be released from its obligations or suspend their execution if it finds itself unable to fulfil them due to the occurrence of an exceptional event beyond its control, or a case of force majeure, and in particular in the event of total or partial destruction of the establishment, strike, requisition of the premises, attacks, floods, cuts in electricity, water, gas, etc.


Any dispute or claim can only be taken into account if it is formulated in writing and sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the establishment within a maximum of eight (8) days after the end of the service.


After having referred the matter to the management of the establishment, and in the absence of a satisfactory response within a period of one month, the client may refer the matter to the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman, whose contact details and procedures for referral are available on his website: www.mtv.travel. Any dispute that cannot be settled amicably between the parties shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the courts of Vannes.
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